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"Angels are all around us"

The Sovreign of the Elves has come all the way from the hidden town Elluel to meet with the King of Ariant. But before she does, she meets Lotem! Mercedes is the first nice noble Lotem's ever met in his whole life. Actually, she's the first kind and compassionate noble that Ariant has seen in a long, long time. Mercedes unknowingly acts as an angel to Lotem, teaching him that the rich aren't always cruel. She accidentally steers him away from hatred of the wealthy.

This will be super important later, when he meets another sovreign.

As I said in the "Maple World" article, there are elves as well as humans. The only major noticeable difference is the ears. Elves are about as big as humans, they just tend to be more graceful, and their magic works slightly differently, so humans can't learn elf magic. Elves can intermarry with humans, but the chances of that happening are very slim! Most elves don't like most humans because they don't respect the land as much, and because many humans look down on elves. I'm deliberately leaving Lotem's possible elvish herritage vague. I want it to remain undecided. It lends a mysterious element, and plus, I'd have to write a backstory to the origins story, explaining how it came to be either way (fully human or part elf) and how they found out.

Remember the ring that Mercedes gives Lotem- it'll reappear. Eventually.

So, I have figured out how to add hidden pages where you can't easily find them. That would defeat the purpose. There's only one up right now, and all it has is one picture on it. I don't want to put up any spoilers until after I write more of the story. Last time there was a hidden page, it wasn't properly hidden, and it had spoilers for pretty much all of part 1 and a good portion of part 2. Yeah. Not doing that again.

I'd love to know if anyone figures out where the hidden page is. I want to know how well I hid the link. Hm. Sometimes I wonder why I have that comment box up on the homepage. Nobody has ever used it. Maybe *nudge nudge* this will be the first time.

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