{A good tale feeds the
This is the place for you to talk to the characters from any of the stories! Your email address is optional if you would rather remain anonymous. My only request is that in a comment or question, that you include the name of the character it is addressed to.
Responses will be placed on this page, and the characters' words will be in regular font, actions will be in italics, and any comments from me (the author) will be in bold.
The anonymous contact form I had been using has been discontinued, so I need to replace it. Sorry there's temporarily no way to contact me
Read this comic left to right, then top to bottom
Click through the slide deck to enjoy this short comic strip! (sorry for the poor photo quality, I don't have a scanner)
Anonymous: Blonde guy, when you're in the forest with Rumplestiltskin, it says you're tense but the most relaxed. Isn't that an oxymoron?
Dread Pirate Roberts: Hello, anon. It isn't as confusing as it sounds. We were attempting something very dangerous, so I was very on edge. My companions, though were all but scared stiff. Much worse off than I was.
I didn't put this question up as soon as it was asked, because I hadn't revealed Roberts' name yet. Sorry for taking a while.
Luminous: I look forward to conversing with anyone who wishes to speak to me
Lotem: Wait- there are people who want to talk to me? Where are they? I want to meet them.
Raven: Do you wanna find out what I'm thinking? *winks at you*
Mercedes: I shall be delighted to speak to you as soon as I can find some free time from my duties to my people.
Enevlyn: Welcome! It's nice to meet you
You can still address quesions or comments to people not listed above. Like Rumplestiltskin, Peter Pevensie, or Vieren, for example.