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Welcome! This website is a place for me to be able to share my stories with my friends. Some stories are completely original, and some are inspiried by books, movies, or games, but are still my own stories.






Sorry, but the comment box I had been using is no longer supported. Please be patient until I am able to get a new comment box!



The storyline of 'Spirit From the Sands' is complete



A Talk to the Characters page has been added



A new story and world have been added



The article on Maple World has been expanded slightly



The First Picture!!  On the 'Spirit From The Sands' page is now a picture of Lotem.



DISCLAIMER: in the story Halves of a Coin, when in the prologue it is talking about a Mage, understand  that it is NOT talking about skin color or anything. It is NOT intended to be racist. Just to be clear.



The story 'Master Thief' has been updated



The story 'Master Thief' has been added to Works In Progress

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